If you have a question email us at:  [email protected]


Tuesday January 7, 2025 is the first day you can order merchandise or place an Amazon Special Order using your financial aid for Spring Semester 2025.  Meal Plan Card loads start Monday January 13, 2025, the first day of class. 


Our website is open for ordering physical course materials for Winter & Spring 2025 Semester.  You must first be registered for a course before you order, or your order will be cancelled.  Digital course materials will be available through Blackboard on the first day of class.

The deadline for returning Fall Semester 2024 course materials was Thursday December 12, 2024.  Winter 2025 course materials were due back Monday 1-13-25.


In-Store Only Special:

75% off select clothing items on select racks.  75% off select backpacks and bags.  


 You must first be registered for a class before ordering.  You will need to bring your Printed Class Schedule & ID to pick up books in-person in Poplar Bluff only.  If you are taking classes at Sikeston, Dexter, or Kennett, you will need to order your books online.  


 Top 10 Things You Need to Know before Ordering Course Materials on The College Store Website

1. You must first be registered for a course before ordering, otherwise your order will be cancelled.

2. You must order course materials only for the course section for which you are registered.

 3. You cannot order for a course in which you are waitlisted.

 4. You must order using a @mymail.trcc.edu.

 5. You must order using your 7-digit student ID number.

 6. You must order using a street address.  UPS does not deliver to a PO box number.

 7. You must understand that most course materials are included in tuition and fees, with FREE shipping to your home.

 8. You must return most course materials by the last day of finals of the semester it was first checked out.

 9. You must have excess Pell or loans to order merchandise, Amazon, or a meal plan card, otherwise use a credit card.

 10. You must bring with you your printed class schedule and ID to pick up course materials in-person.


If you have questions email us:  [email protected]



Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday Closed


Click On Image Above to 

Check Your Card Balance, or

Scan the QR Code on the Back

of Your Card with Your Smart Phone

Photo App and a Link will Pop Up to Check.